Written by


The one and only. Geek, fan of sci-fi, starship lover, coder


I just finished watching Jordan Peele's "Nope" and oh boy, just wow.

It was amazing. You should watch it. No words. Spoilers from here on.

I don't even know if the entity technically counts as a starship considering we never learned where it came from or if it had interplanetary capabilities; it also wasn't even a ship — it was a living breathing thing.

I love how the entity changes throughout the film. It begins out as a clean saucer only showing edges of itself, then it swoops in full force with wrinkles all over, and then it straight up transforms into an angel-like being. Amazing. Awesome. I LOVED IT!!

Eating the doll thing

Thoughts? Ideas? Noticed a mistake?

Send me an e-mail! I'm available at [email protected]